About Us


We are a small group of believers who have a passion to see Truth be shared to those in darkness like we all were at one time.

We believe that sharing the Truth of Yahweh’s Word and the redemptive work of His Son Yahshua is not just a strong recommendation, but a Command from Scripture:

“And He said to them, “Go into all the world and proclaim the Good News to every creature.” (Mark 16:15)

“Sing to Yahweh, bless His Name, Proclaim His salvation from day to day.
Declare His esteem among the nations, His wonders among all peoples.
For great is Yahweh and greatly to be praised, He is to be revered above all gods.” (Psalm 96:2-4)

“For if I bring the Good News, it is no boasting for me, for necessity is laid on me, and it is woe to me if I do not bring the Good News!” (1 Cor 9:16)

Our vision is to see people use these tracts even if they cannot afford them. Please consider donating to help the small team to design more tracts for you to print and spread the Word. Many are unable to do this, so tracts can do the work for you. We would use some of the donations to help those who cannot afford to print them and share them to the world.
There are plenty of tracts available for general Christianity, but for those who recognize the power of the Name of Yahweh and the link between His Name and Yahshua (Yahweh is salvation) these tracts are designed for you! We believe it is important to display the Truth in an attractive light as possible considering we are competing with modern technologies that distract, and people’s attention spans are somewhat short.

This is why Tracts for You are colorful, brief yet powerful, and high quality so that people will want to pick them up and read them. We have tested these tracts all over the world in many countries and have seen them read by thousands of people. We believe even if someone does not come to Truth, at least a seed is planted, and they have been informed of the Truth so there is no excuse on Judgment Day.

It’s not just about semantics either; there are a number of traditions associated with Christianity that also need to be exposed and there are a number of tracts we have designed (and are working on) to use as effective witnessing tools to mainstream Christians to reveal the importance of the Names, the Sabbath and the Laws/Covenant of Yahweh:

“The son of the stranger, that join themselves to Yahweh to serve Him, and to love the Name of Yahweh, to be His servants, every one that Keeps the Sabbath from polluting it, and takes hold of My Covenant; even them will I bring to My holy mountain,and make them joyful in My House of prayer.”(Isaiah) 56:6-8

Many of these tracts have been used for a great many years by us and friends, who have remarked that these should be made available to other believers keen to witness their beliefs. Leave them anywhere. Inside books, at the library, at cafes, in letterboxes, and on cars widow screens, there are many great ways to share them.

We acknowledge that there are many pagan words and terms (including “God”) that a believer would not normally use, but because tracts are often picked up by people unfamiliar with certain terms, these common words are necessary for these tracts.

If you are finding these tracts useful in your personal or group outreach, or have some ideas that may be effective, please feel free to contact us via the CONTACT link on this site.

We are slowly working on translating these tracts into other languages and further tracts dealing with different subjects, so please return to keep updated with what’s new as this ministry grows.

Thank you.
Tracts For You Team